lundi 8 décembre 2014

Need/Want to replace your N54 coils?

I recently installed a Cobb AP V3. I've had the car about a month now. The car ran crazy strong for a few days with the Stage 1 Aggressive cobb tune. Eventually though, I started experiencing misfires, mainly in cylinder one. At that point I flashed the stage 1 drive tune and for the most part, the car ran smooth. Occasionally under heavy throttle, I could still just barely feel hesitation.

As a result, I ordered the BMS spark plug tool and some bosch plugs. After replacing the plugs (and the nasty air filter) I fired up the car today and flashed the aggressive tune. I drove a few miles to get the car warmed up and then I found a nice back road to test the car. Misfire...immediately.

So, I decided I would go ahead and replace all of the coils. I have the service records on this car, and while the maintenance has been extensive, the coils haven't been touched.

I'm a cheapskate when it comes to buying quality parts. Notice what I said though, I still buy quality parts, I just shop to find the best deal.

I think I did pretty awesome.

I paid $30.65 shipped per coil for Bosch coils. (that is before I get my 5.5% cashback)

To get this price you will have to place two separate orders.

3x with coupon code TRT30

3x with coupon code WD50

Again, I also used which should save me another 5.5%.

Hopefully someone else gets some use out of this deal.

Here is a link to the part.

and here is a link to all of the coupon codes for advance auto parts. (the codes I used are listed above)

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