mercredi 8 avril 2020

Cancelled Flights (COVID-19)

Anyone have a planned flight cancelled by an airline?

Just a head's up in case you don't know - airlines are required to offer a refund when they cancel a U.S. flight, even if as a result of COVID-19. They can give you the choice of a refund or voucher or something else, but they need to offer the refund if they cancel (but not if you cancel).

A while back, I purchased some domestic tickets for my in-laws for a Memorial Day trip we since decided would not happen due to COVID-19. I did not cancel the flight reservations, instead waiting to see if the flight would be cancelled by the airline. Sure enough it was cancelled by the airline tonight. When I went to the airline's site, there was a pop up asking me to acknowledge and accept a voucher...

There have been a lot of complaints about this issue and the U.S. DOT issued and enforcement notice last Friday:

Needless to say, I sent in a note to them to indicate I want a refund (calling would take forever). Hopefully that gets it done without disputing the charge on my credit card or filing a complain with the U.S. DOT.

So if you have a (U.S.) flight cancelled by an airline and prefer a refund, be aware you should get one and don't get tricked by attempts to get you to take a voucher.

* This article was originally published here

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