vendredi 6 mars 2015

Custom Head Up Display Project - Advice Required

Ok so I recently got a cheap Chinese hud from Ebay that links to the obd 2 port . And to be honest its not bad . It's limited in its function but not bad for 30 quid . So it got me thinking what would it take for me to build my own custom hud for my e93. Here is the one I got.

My idea is to embed a 10 inch cheap Chinese tablet ( pipo or cube 9 with custom kernel ) in the dash . Use the obd2 port to get data on /off command. Run it through a custom canbus. Then to the HUD . I haven’t coded in years to this project if it gets off the ground will take me some time. I’m still in research phase. Other projects such as this one has inspired me to get back into it.

Version 1

* simple android app that will turn on tablet from sleep. load


- Rev

- Torque

- Fuel available

- May be show warning symbols as they appear on dash. low petrol.


- Need to get codes and see how I can interface with BMW codes. Maybe Elm clone cable.

Version 2

* Add navigation to display that will be controlled from smartphone. ( i thinking of getting a tablet with GSM sim slot ) so I can send SMS information to tablet.) . Google map locations etc. The app should be able to read the message and set route.

* Screen reflection phase shift. ( with my current HUD I get a double image due to refraction of the projection. I can fix this by attaching a sheet of reflective material but it looks odd . ) i was hoping i could compensate for the refraction by adjusting phase on the tablet.

Version 3

* GSM tracker feature: if alarm is sounded to send message to owner smartphone. Be able to ping cars location.

* Incognito mode if car is broken into.

So my question is to you guys . Do you think this is a worthwhile project. Any ideas on functions you would like to see. Have you seen anything similar? Can you help with any of the information? I firstly need to understand how to read the codes and identify information to processed. Let me know your thoughts. Would you install one of these in your e90.

:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::c ool::cool::cool:

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