vendredi 28 novembre 2014

The Angry Neighbor Loud Cold Start Video with Voice for Reference

I noticed just how loud these cars are upon cold start (with stock exhaust) once we got ours redelivered. Some friends wanted a reference video so I decided to take a video.

It begins with me counting in a normal inside voice. My wife cranks my M3 completely cold while I continue counting in the same normal conversational voice. I'm counting all the way until the end of the video. I am completely inaudible during cold start but as it warms up you can start to hear me.

Hopefully this is helpful to anyone who has yet to buy or get their order. These cold start as loud as most of my past cars did with aftermarket exhausts. Maybe even louder. Definitely louder than my turbo NSX. I wouldn't be surprised if we had some neighbors complaining :)

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