samedi 25 octobre 2014

Audi S5 Wantabe Driver Challenges

On my way into work today and dealing with the typical DC weekend area morning traffic . Driving in the left lane and maintaining pace with the car(s) in front of me while giving enough space for safe stopping. Here comes your typical DC profressional from behind us speeding in and out of the lanes trying to get pass everyone on the road. He has no space to pass to the right so he jumps in front of me; "Oh No He didn't!" :). My following space went from 30-40 feet down to 5-10 now. The right lane opens up a few more second later and off he goes, and I thought to myself just let the idiot go and piss off someone else. Then I see the lane behind him is wide open maybe a 1/8 of mile and I said "screw it" and shift into manual sport mode and followed up behind him. Guess he took exception or felt challenged, don't know which, and he jumped back into the left lane, and I followed in behind him while giving the accelerator little jabs to lurch the car up and down behind, "saying you aint got sh**!". Guess that meant green light and off he went. My exit was coming up in less than mile and by this time no cars are in the front three lanes and nothing coming up from behind. Drop it down to M3 and gave it a punch then up to M4 as I signal and changed lanes to the right for my exit coming. Mr. S4 just faded away behind me as I exit the freeway. Childish? Dangerous? yes to both counts! Rewarding to put this asswipe in his place, most definitely!!

Next time he comes up from behind a car having a blacked out M badge he will know they have something more special than sport luxuary sedan. :D

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