So I've been around the automotive aftermarket for a while now and not much has changed in the way of replicas and fake parts. They are still made of lesser quality materials. They are still knocking off the innovators and trendsetters of the industry. And sadly, they are still supported by vendors on the forum.
What really upsets me is the fact that the forum allows these vendors to conduct illegal activities by posting and selling these fake items. Some of the items have the original brands logo on them, and are clearly not original. This is not legal in the fashion industry. A handbag is not going to kill you if it fails, but what about a rim? I know fakes are cheaper, but since when has it been cool to have a knock off? I would rather have a less expensive, original brand, then a knock off of a high end brand. Am I alone on an island on this one?
I feel it should be the responsibility of the forum to keep it's vendors honest. Why should vendors on this forum be allowed to sell fake items to the community if it is illegal to do so? I know that there is a range of opinions on this topic so let's hear them.
So all you vendors selling fake stuff on this forum....I'm calling you out. Please explain your business ethics to our community. We're waiting.
What really upsets me is the fact that the forum allows these vendors to conduct illegal activities by posting and selling these fake items. Some of the items have the original brands logo on them, and are clearly not original. This is not legal in the fashion industry. A handbag is not going to kill you if it fails, but what about a rim? I know fakes are cheaper, but since when has it been cool to have a knock off? I would rather have a less expensive, original brand, then a knock off of a high end brand. Am I alone on an island on this one?
I feel it should be the responsibility of the forum to keep it's vendors honest. Why should vendors on this forum be allowed to sell fake items to the community if it is illegal to do so? I know that there is a range of opinions on this topic so let's hear them.
So all you vendors selling fake stuff on this forum....I'm calling you out. Please explain your business ethics to our community. We're waiting.
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