mardi 27 janvier 2015

newly acquired 335d

This is my fourth BMW auto, following a 1973 Bavaria and two 1984 M635 CSi. I have always done my own maintenance and will try to continue with this car if I can get adequate information on what to do and how to do it. This forum looks like a great resource. Is there good maintenance documentation available to the DIY mechanic? I see a laptop and appropriate software w/ cabling in my future. I have some time as the original 4 year warranty still has 17 months to go, and then the free maintenance goes away. I will scan all the posts in this forum but if anyone has any time saving idas I sure would appreciate a nudge in the right direction. I do not have a smart phone so the BMWwhat app will have to come much later. By the way, my M6 is for sale and listed on the 6post forum under owner classifieds.

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