vendredi 29 août 2014

E90 interior noise

So, I fixed a few things on my E90 today, pretty satisfied:

- Brake squeal at low speeds (is the e-brake shoes)

- Window rattle/creak (turns out it was door seals)

- Door not lining up/closing all the way (was 1/8-1/4" off, simple fix)

Now, since its quiet inside I have discovered a new problem that seems much more difficult to fix. The plastic inside creaks constantly in the morning/when its cold and windows are up. It is coming from the center where the radio/navi is, and possibly the vent above the nav.

Does anyone know how to fix this? Other than rolling the windows down or playing the music load I can't get it to stop. If i push on certain areas it will stop for a second but come right back.


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